21 research outputs found

    Food Quality Attributes among Malaysia’s Fast Food Customer

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    This paper examines the attributes which influence customers’ decisions to purchase fast food products in Malaysia. Despite vague definition of the ‘quality’ term by each individual, this study takes a step in determining the customer’s significant quality attributes towards the overall food quality dimensions. The findings of the study indicated that generally Malaysian consumers place relatively high level of importance on food freshness, followed by presentation and taste of the food. However, less importance is being placed on innovative food that indirectly could have minimal effect in the customers’ behavioral intention towards fast food products. Customers are seen more interested in the output’ (which is the end product) rather than ‘input’ (which is raw materials used in producing the foods) of food. Hence, this study is expected to contribute to the existing knowledge on the dimension of consumer purchase intention to the industry players, as well as academicians. Future research should focus on the similar study with the extended scope to other fast food restaurants in Malaysia. By doing this, hopefully we can get a clearer picture on the existing as well as explore new variables which can further contribute to the topic of the study. Key words: Freshness; Presentation; Taste; Innovative Food; Fast Food Restauran

    The evaluation performance of letter-based technique on text steganography system

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    Steganography is a part of information hiding in covering the hidden message in any medium such as text, image, audio, video and others. This paper concerns about the implementation of steganography in text domain called text steganography. It intends to concentrate on letter-based technique as one of the representative techniques in text steganography. This paper displays some techniques of letter-based that is integrated in one system technique displayeed in a logical and physical design. The integrated system is evaluated using some parameter that is used in order to discover the performance in term of capacity after embedding process and the time consuming in the development process. This paper is anticipated to contribute in describing the implementation of the techniques in one system and to display the performance some parameter evaluation

    Purchase Intention of Organic Food; Perceived Value Overview

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    Organic food consumption among consumers is becoming popular nowadays. The attitude has emerged in today’s modern world due to the increased in awareness of the importance to maintain a healthy lifestyle by consuming foods without unsafe additives, preservatives, flavor and coloring. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation, therefore promotes the healthy food characteristics. However, based on the reviewed of literatures, there were some inconsistencies in the previous research findings. In terms of perceived value towards organic food product, most of the research found positive and not less also discovered negative result mainly due the lack of some special value in the eyes of consumers. For instance, higher in price, not value for money, satisfied with the existing conventional food, doubts on the product guarantee and unclear declarations of the organic status. The research aims to identify the perceived value factor and its impact towards the customers’ purchase intention in Malaysia. The findings of the study indicated that out of four factors, only perceived value and health consciousness influenced the customer purchase intention. However, food safety concern and religious factors were found to have less impact on customer purchase intention. The result has shown some similarities with the previous literature where perceived value was found to have significant impact towards the customers’ willingness to purchase organic food products. Hence, this study is expected to provide understanding to both the industry players as well as academicians on the factors that influence Malaysian customer purchase intention towards organic food products as these phenomena might be different from one country to another. Future research should focus on the similar study with the extended scope to all states in Malaysia so that the findings could be compared and generalized to the entire population in Malaysia.Key words: Organic Food; Healthy; Perceived Value; Consumption, Purchase Intention RĂ©sumĂ©: La consommation des aliments biologiques est devenue de plus en plus populaire chez les consommateurs de nos jours. L'attitude est apparue dans le monde moderne en raison de l'augmentation de la conscience de l'importance de maintenir une vie saine en consommant des aliments sans additifs dangereux, sans conservateurs, sans arĂŽmes et pigments. Les aliments biologiques sont produits sans utiliser les pesticides les plus classiques, les engrais Ă  base d'ingrĂ©dients synthĂ©tiques ou des boues d'Ă©puration; la bio-ingĂ©nierie, ou les radiations ionisantes encouragent donc les caractĂ©ristiques des aliments sains. Toutefois, sur la base revue des documents, il y avait des incohĂ©rences dans les conclusions de recherches antĂ©rieures. En termes de valeur perçue des produits des aliments biologiques, la plupart des recherches ont trouvĂ© des rĂ©sultats positifs et dĂ©couvert aussi pas mal de rĂ©sultats nĂ©gatifs, principalement en raison du manque d'une certaine valeur particuliĂšre aux yeux des consommateurs. Par exemple, la hausse des prix, la satisfaction de la nourriture classique existante, des doutes sur la garantie du produit et la dĂ©claration peu claire du statut biologique. La recherche vise Ă  identifier les facteurs de la valeur perçue et leurs effets sur l’intention d'achat des consommateurs en Malaisie. Les conclusions de l'Ă©tude indiquent que parmi les quatre facteurs, seulement la valeur perçue et la conscience de la santĂ© ont une l’influence sur l'intention d'achat des consommateurs. Toutefois, la prĂ©occupation de sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire et des facteurs religieux ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couvert d’avoir moins d'impact sur les intentions d'achat des consommateurs. Le rĂ©sultat a montrĂ© quelques similitudes avec les documents prĂ©cĂ©dents, oĂč la valeur perçue a Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©e d’avoir un impact significatif sur la volontĂ© d’achat des produits alimentaires biologiques des consommateurs. Par consĂ©quent, cette Ă©tude devrait fournir aux acteurs de l'industrie ainsi qu’aux acadĂ©miciens une comprĂ©hension sur les facteurs qui influecent l’intention d'achat des produits alimentaires biologiques des consommateurs en Malaisie, car ces phĂ©nomĂšnes pourraient ĂȘtre diffĂ©rentes d'un pays Ă  l'autre. Les recherches futures devraient se concentrer sur une Ă©tude similaire avec un champ d'application Ă©tendu Ă  tous les États de la Malaisie, et donc les rĂ©sultats pouvaient ĂȘtre comparĂ©s et gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©s Ă  toute la population en Malaisie. Mots-ClĂ©s: alimentation biologique; santĂ©; valeur perçue; consummation; intention d’achat

    Performance analysis on secured data method in natural language steganography

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    The rapid amount of exchange information that causes the expansion of the internet during the last decade has motivated that a research in this field.  Recently, steganography approaches have received an unexpected attention. Hence, the aim of this paper is to review different performance metric; covering the decoding, decrypting and extracting performance metric. The process of data decoding interprets the received hidden message into a code word. As such, data encryption is the best way to provide a secure communication. Decrypting take an encrypted text and converting it back into an original text. Data extracting is a process which is the reverse of the data embedding process. The effectiveness evaluation is mainly determined by the performance metric aspect. The intention of researchers is to improve performance metric characteristics. The evaluation success is mainly determined by the performance analysis aspect.  The objective of this paper is to present a review on the study of steganography in natural language based on the criteria of the performance analysis. The findings review will clarify the preferred performance metric aspects used. This review is hoped to help future research in evaluating the performance analysis of natural language in general and the proposed secured data revealed on natural language steganography in specific

    QoS support with taguchi method in simulation modeling hybrid architecture of optical and multihop wireless ad hoc networks

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    Majority of the resource consumption is consumed for their operation in the access network of mobile wireless part because of its dynamic topology and limited range of each mobile host's wireless transmissions. This paper presents a technique using OMNeT++ software for building a design of experiment simulation model with Taguchi optimization method supported mobile circumstantial network (MANET) of AODVUU communication protocol to be apply into collaborate multiple layers framework of deploy over passive optical network (PON) referred to as the walk Mobile Hybrid optical wireless access network (erL-MMHOWAN). it's to guage the network quality of service effectively that take into account variety of nodes over that the Edouard Manet could operate. Its performance is examined on the known performance metrics just like the network capability and energy consumption. Simulation result shows for the random mobile property during this convergence of heterogeneous optical wireless network will perform higher with the optimized front-end wireless circumstantial

    The Construction of Web Navigation Model in Online Automated Universities' Students Matching System (OAUSMS)

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    Navigational contexts are defined and access structures are added in this stage as a finalized form of web navigation model. As a result, this research is targeted to eliminate user frustration as a cause of lost in hyperspace. Online Automated Universities' Students Matching System (OAUSMS) is an existing web-based system that focused on the implementation of data warehousing as the main features of system's development. The development of this system was more to technology oriented without conducting any formal navigational approach. The navigation model is built in two stages. The first one develops a model of rough navigation structure based on navigational classes and links which is called navigational class model. The second one refines this model on describing how objects can be grouped to optimize navigation and collaborate to fulfill the navigation. (Authors' abstract

    Last mile mobile hybrid optical wireless access network routing enhancement

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    This study focuses on mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) that support Internet routing protocol imposing stringent resource consumption constraints of Quality of service (QoS). The mobile Internet causes the on-going issue of inefficient use of the MANET resources due to its random nature of wireless environments. In this paper, the new improved architecture of the last mile mobile hybrid optical-wireless access network (adLMMHOWAN) is proposed and designed to tackle the arised issues. The proposed design is based on a unified wireless-wired network solution required the deployment of MANET-based wireless fidelity (WiFi) technology at the wireless front-end and wavelengths division multiplexing passive optical network (WDM PON) at the optical backhaul. The critical performance metrics such as network capacity and energy consumption based on modified AODVUU routing protocol using OMNeT++ software is analyzed with 2 scenarios, namely the number of nodes and mobility speed. This mode of communication results in better QoS network capacity of 47.07% improvement, with 26.85% reduction of lower energy resource consumption for mobile wireless front-end over passive optical network backhaul architecture when compared with the existing work of oRiq scheme that focus on improvement in MANETs

    Taguchi Based Self-Configure Data Rate Optimization AODVUU Routing Parameters In MANET Over Optical Network Performances

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    Research and development advancements in the area of wireless technologies give rises of mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) domain but is constrained to the single networks and stand alone. Furthermore, the communication networking applications requirements mostly still depends on fixed infrastructure networks that lead to MANET need to communicate with internet. Consequently, the traditional mobile routing protocols proposed for MANET are inefficient but play an equivalent important role in the performances of mobile wireless network over optical backhaul with focusing of MANET of the wireless domain in access network. Routing protocols procedures are controlled with a set of parameters from being dragged to undesired situations such as un-optimized Quality of Service (QoS) resource consumption. These parameters have a direct impact on the efficiency of a routing protocol and the overall MANET network performances. This paper proposed an offline optimization through simulation design of experiment of the AODV-UU parameters of MANET is evaluated by performing Taguchi signal to noise ratio (SNR) method for fine-tuning the AODV-UU routing parameters using the OMNeT++ software. The work is further extended with self-configure multiple data rates (SCMDR) scheme-a cross-layer-specific technique. AODV-UU with Taguchi tuned under the proposed SCMDR scheme is compared with AODV-UU configuration of oRiG scheme also as respects to previous work is examined based on capacity consumption, end-to-end delay metric and energy consumption metric under the varying speed scenario. The obtained results showed that, AODV-UU with Taguchi configuration outperformed the AODV-UU for the mention performance metrics here. The existing of current access network of the telco operators can benefit from the proposed improvement here